Thursday, October 31, 2019

Issue in Contemporary Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Issue in Contemporary Management - Essay Example Trait refers to recurring regularities or trends in a person behavior and the trait theory asserts that people behave in a certain way because of the strengths of their traits. The literature contains tons of information regarding trait approach however we will focus on the common grounds deduced by those researches. The Five Factor Model (FFM) of personality has been endorsed by almost all the researchers who were focused towards trait approach (Hughes, Ginnett & Curphy, 2002). The FFM model was first identified by Webb in 1915 but over the period of time many of the researchers using diverse samples have supported these five dimensions of the personality. We will be briefly discussing those five dimensions in the next section. The five dimensions of personality comprise of; Surgency, Agreeableness, Dependability, Adjustment and Openness. Surgency refers to a person’s need for power and his ability to dominate other people. Generally, this factor is evident in those people who are self-confident, competitive and decisive. The second dimension is concerned with Agreeableness which implies that a leader builds a close rapport and creates a sense of harmony with others. Leaders who are high in agreeableness tend to be more empathetic, friendly and optimistic. Dependability is relevant to those behavioral aspects of a leader which are concerned with one’s approach to work. A highly dependable individual would show unwavering commitment towards his work. He will always invest in diligent efforts towards his work and people are highly dependable on him. The dimension of Adjustment is concerned with how people adapt towards different situations and how they react to pressure, failure, and personal c riticism. Leaders who are high in adjustment tend to be more calm and tolerant towards handling stressful situations. Openness refers to how one feels in countering new situation and experiences. Leaders who possess higher openness

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

My Favorite Trip Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

My Favorite Trip - Essay Example The celebration was so large and the fireworks display was so magnificent I could not help but continually wonder how much money the park must have spent on putting on such a show. However, although New Year’s Eve night itself was a highlight, I was also amazed by the diversity of activities that presented itself with Disney World itself. Rather than just being a collection of amusement rides, the park offers an amazing array of educational activities. One of the reasons that such a diversity of activities is available is due to the fact that such a diversity of individuals go to Disney World each and every year. Each one of these has unique desires, goals, tastes, and hopes for their overall experience. As a way to meet these, Disney World has provided a selection of activities that can ensure that each and every person that goes there will find at least one or two activities that they would really like to do while there. While there I engaged in almost all of the activities that they had with the exception of the animal displays. My experience was so positive that I would highly encourage anyone to plan a visit to Disney World as a way to make a holiday even

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Profile of Inflammatory and Infective Skin Diseases

Profile of Inflammatory and Infective Skin Diseases Contributors with their highest academic degree: GIRI VISHAL P*. , MD (PHARMACOLOGY) GIRI OM P. , MD (MEDICINE), PhD (MEDICINE) GUPTA SUDHIR K. , MD ( SKIN VD) SHUBHRA KANODIA , MDS (Std), (ORAL MEDICINE AND RADIOLOGY) Department(s) and institution(s) : â€Å"Clinico-Epidemiological Profile of Inflammatory and Infective Skin  Diseases in a Tertiary Care Centre of South India† ABSTRACT The present medical audit-study was undertaken to analyze clinical and epidemiological profile of inflammatory and infective skin diseases and to arrive at important facts about these diseases.1134 patients who attended the Dermatology of a   Medical and College Hospital were the subjects of this study . The findings were recorded in a proforma for analysis and interpretation .Etiological analysis revealed that majority ( 599 ; 52.82 % ) of dermatoses belonged to inflammatory group followed by infective group ( 535 ; 47.18 % ). Of the inflammatory group, allergic contact dermatitis ( 209 ;18.43 % ) was the most common entity followed by irritant contact dermatitis (180; 15.87 %) , seborrhroeic dermatitis( 120 ; 10.58 % ), atopic dermatitis ( 50; 4.41 % ), psoriasis ( 20; 1.76 % ) and pompholyx ( 20 ; 1.76 % ).Of the infective group, bacterial infection was the most common disease ( 349 ; 30.78% ) followed by scabies (122 ; 10.76 %) , fungal (57 ; 5.02 %) and viral infection( 3 ; 0. 26 % ).This study provides a preliminary baseline data for future clinical research. It might also help to assess the changing trends of inflammatory and infective skin diseases . Key Words: inflammatory skin diseases, infective skin diseases, changing trends in skin diseases. INTRODUCTION The pattern of skin disease is a consequence of poverty , malnutrition , overcrowding , poor hygiene , illiteracy and social backwardness in many parts of India . The examination for skin diseases is an important component of health care practice for all. Status of health , hygiene and personal cleaniness of a society can be judged from the prevalence of certain skin diseases in the community . The pattern of skin diseases vary from one country to another and within the same country from one state to another due to various climatic , cultural and socio-economic factors.[1,2] MATERIAL AND METHODS The relevant data available from medical case records of the Dermatology outpatient department of a Medical College and Hospital was collected by the investigator in person during period January 2011 to June 2012 . Name ,age ,gender , type and duration of disease were recorded in a proforma for analysis and interpretation of data . Total 1134 ( one thousand one hundred thirty four ) medical case records of inflammatory and infective skin diseases were collected and scrutinized for this observational ,perspective and medical audit- study. RESULTS Out of 1134 patients scrutinized , 220 ( 19.40 % ) patients were children up to five years of age and 149 ( 13.14 % ) children were 6 to 10 years of age . Most of adults 358 ( 31.57 % ) were aged 21 to 40 years and 146 ( 12.87 % ) adults belonged to 41 to 60 years age group . Females ( 581 ; 51.23 % ) slightly outnumbered males ( 553 ; 48.77 % ). [ Table 1-6] The majority ( 599 ; 52.82 % ) of patients belonged to inflammatory group followed by infective group ( 535 ; 47.18 % ). [Table1,2] Pattern of inflammatory skin diseases revealed allergic contact dermatitis to be the commonest ( 209 ; 18.43 % ) followed by irritant contact dermatitis (180 ; 15.87 % ) , seborrhoeic dermatitis ( 120 ; 10. 58 % ) , atopic dermatitis ( 50 ; 4.41 % ) , psoriasis ( 20; 1.76 % ) and pompholyx ( 20; 1.76 % ). [ Table 1 ] Among infective skin diseases , bacterial infection ( 349 ; 30.78 % ) was most common entity . Scabies was recorded in 122 ( 10.76 % ) patients . Fungal infection was recorded in 57 ( 5.03 % ) and viral infection 3 ( 0.26 % ) patients .[ Table 2 ] Seasonal variation pattern was observed in some diseases . Impetigo and dermatophytosis were recorded mainly in rainy and summer seasons. Scabies was recorded mainly in winter and rainy seasons . Atopic dermatitis and seborrhoeic dermatitis were documented more in winter season . DISCUSSION Pattern of inflammatory and infective skin diseases has varied in different studies. In this study , majority ( 599; 52.82 % ) of skin diseases belonged to inflammatory group followed by infective group ( 535 ; 47.18 % ) . A similar pattern of dermatoses has also been reported in several other studies .[3-8] However, in other studies infective group has been the predominant dermatoses.[9-22] Of the inflammatory dermatoses , allergic contact dermatitis was the commonest ( 209; 18.43 % ) out of all 1134 patients followed by irritant contact dermatitis( 180; 15.87 % ), seborrhoeic dermatitis ( 120 ; 10.58 % ), atopic dermatitis ( 50; 4.41 % ), psoriasis ( 20 ; 1.76 % ) and pompholyx (20; 1.76 % ). In chidren aged up to five years atopic dermatitis was the commonest ( 8 ; 0.71 % ) followed by seborrhoeic dermatitis ( 7 ;0.62 % ) , irritant contact dermatitis ( 6;0.53 % ) and pompholyx ( 2 : 0.18 % ). Similar finding has been observed in other studies . [2,5,6] Of the infective dermatoses, bacterial infections (349; 30.78 %) were the most common followed by fungal ( 57; 5.03 % ) and viral infections ( 3; 0.26 % ). Similar pattern has been observed in some other studies as well .[2,5] Studies have reported fungal infection to be more common.[13,14,22] Viral infections out-numbered bacterial and fungal infections in few studies .[7,8] Impetigo was the commonest ( 158 ; 13.93 % ) bacterial infection followed by secondary pyoderma ( 133; 11.73 % ), folliculitis ( 25 ; 2.20 % ), furunculosis ( 20; 1.76 % ) and acute paronychia ( 13; 1.15 % ). Scabies was the most common infestation seen in 122 ( 10. 76 % ) patients in the present study . CONCLUSION Majority of dermatoses belonged to inflammatory group followed by infective group , though the difference is narrow (64 ; 5.64 % ).Of the infective group bacterial infection was the most common disease followed by scabies , fungal and viral infection. This study points towards changing trends in dermatoses . This study provides preliminary baseline data for the future epidemiological and clinical research . It might also help to assess the changing trends of dermatoses. REFERENCES 1. William H.C. â€Å"Epidemiology of skin diseases† in : Burns T, Breathnach.S COXN Griffiths editors, Rook’s Textbook of Dermatology, 7th ed. Oxford : Blackwell science ; 2004 ; 81 : 06-21. 2. Balal M , Khare AK , Gupta LK , Mittal A , Kuldeep CM. Pattern of paediatric dermatosis in a tertiary care centre of South West Rajasthan . Indian J Dermatol 2012 ; 57 : 275 -8 . 3. Das DA, Haldar HS, Das DJ, Mazumdar MG, Biswas BS, Sarkar SJ. Dermatological disease pattern in an urban institution in Kolkata. Ind J Dermatol 2005;50:22-3. 4. Symvoulakis EK, Krasagakis K, Komninos ID, Kastrinakis I, Lyronis I, Philalithis A, et al. Primary care and pattern of skin diseases in a Mediterranean island. BMC Fam Pract 2006;7:6. 5. Gul U ,Cakmak SK, Gonul M, Kilic A , Bilgili S . Pediatric skin disorders encountered in a dermatology outpatient clinic in Turkey .Pediatr Dermatol 2008 ; 25 :277-78 . 6. 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Das S, Chatterjee T. Pattern of skin diseases in a peripheral hospitals skin OPD: A study of 2550 patients. Ind J Dermatol 2007;52:93-5.10 14. Sanjiv Grover, Rakesh K. Ranyal and Mehar K Bedi; â€Å"A cross section of skin diseases in rural Allahabad† , Indian J.Dermatol. 2008 ; 53 (4): 179-81. 15 . Kar C, Das S, Roy AK. Pattern of skin diseases in a tertiary institution in Kolkata. Indian J Dermatol 2014;59:209 16. Ghosh SK, Dey SK, Saha I, Barbhuiya JN, Ghosh A, Roy AK. Pityriasis versicolor: a clinicomycological and epidemiological study from a tertiary care hospital. Indian J Dermatol. 2008;53(4):182-5. 17. Bhalla.K.K, â€Å"Pattern of skin diseases in a semi-urban community of Delhi†, Indian J.dermatol.venereol.leprol. 1984; 50: 213-4. 18. Gangadharan C , Joseph A , Sarojini A. Pattern of skin diseases in Kearla . Indian J Dermatol Venerol Leprol 1976; 42 : 49 -51 . 19 . 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Table 1 : Pattern of skin inflammation in both sexes Diseases Male Female Total No. % No. % No. % Allergic contact dermatitis 105 9.26 104 9.17 209 18.43 Irritant contact dermatitis 81 7.14 99 8.73 180 15.87 Seborrhoeic dermatitis 71 6.26 49 4.32 120 10.58 Atopic dermatitis 19 1.68 31 2.73 50 4.41 Psoriasis 11 0.97 9 0.79 20 1.76 Pompholyx 8 0.70 12 1.06 20 1.76 Total 295 26.01 304 26.81 599 52.82 Table 2 : Pattern of skin infection in both sexes Diseases Male Female Total No. % No. % No. % Impetigo 72 6.35 86 7.58 158 13.93 Secondary pyoderma 72 6.35 61 5.38 133 11.73 Folliculitis 10 0.88 15 1.32 25 2.20 Furunculosis 8 0.70 12 1.06 20 1.76 Acute paronychia 5 0.44 8 0.70 13 1.15 Scabies 56 4.94 66 5.82 122 10.76 Pediculosis 2 0.18 2 0.18 4 0 .35 Dermatophytosis 22 1.94 15 1.32 37 3.26 Pitiriasis versicolor 11 0.97 9 0.79 20 1.76 Molluscum contagiosum 0 0 3 0.26 3 0.26 Total 258 22.75 277 24.43 535 47.18 Table 3 : Pattern of skin inflammation in different age groups (years) Diseases up to 5 6-10 11-20 No. % No. % No. % Allergic contact dermatitis 0 0 4 0.35 33 2.91 Irritant contact dermatitis 6 0.53 7 0.62 27 2.38 Seborrhoeic dermatitis 7 0.62 14 1.23 29 2.56 Atopic dermatitis 8 0.71 5 0.44 4 0.35 Psoriasis 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pompholyx 2 0.18 5 0.44 3 0.26 Total 23 2.03 35 3.09 96 8.47 Table 4 : Pattern of skin inflammation in different age groups ( years ) Diseases 21-40 41-60 61-100 No. % No. % No. % Allergic contact dermatitis 80 7.05 47 4.14 45 3.97 Irritant contact dermatitis 104 9.17 30 2.65 6 0.53 Seborrhoeic Dermatitis 40 3.53 20 1.76 10 0.88 Atopic dermatitis 20 1.76 3 0.26 10 0.09 Psoriasis 13 1.15 3 0.26 4 0.35 Pompholyx 10 0.88 0 0 0 0 Total 267 23.54 103 9.08 75 6.61 Table 5 : Pattern of skin infection in different age groups ( years ) Diseases up to 5 6-10 11-20 No. % No. % No. % Impetigo 96 8.47 37 3.26 15 1.32 Secondary pyoderma 59 5.20 35 3.09 23 2.02 Folliculitis 1 0.09 1 0.09 3 0.26 Furunculosis 1 0.09 1 0.09 4 0.35 Acute paronychia 0 0 1 0.09 1 0.09 Scabies 37 3.26 34 3.00 23 2.03 Pediculosis 0 0 0 0 3 0.26 Dermatophytosis 1 0.09 4 0.35 4 0.35 Pitiriasis versicolor 0 0 0 0 0 0 Molluscum contagiosum 2 0.18 1 0.09 0 0 Total 197 17.37 114 10.05 76 6.70 Table 6 : Pattern of skin infection in different age groups (years) Diseases 21- 40 41- 60 61- 100 No. % No. % No. % Impetigo 7 0.62 3 0.26 0 0 Secondary pyoderma 8 0.70 4 0.35 4 0.35 Folliculitis 15 1.32 4 0.35 1 0.09 Furunculosis 10 0.88 3 0.26 1 0.09 Acute paronychia 4 0.35 6 0.53 1 0.09 Scabies 20 1.76 4 0.35 4 0.35 Pediculosis 0 0 0 0 2 0.18 Dermatophytosis 17 1.50 10 0.88 2 0.18 Pitiriasis versicolor 10 0.88 9 0.79 1 0.09 Molluscum contagiosum 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 91 8.02 43 3.80 16 1.41 1

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Native Son Essays: White Like Me :: Native Son Essays

Native Son:  Ã‚   White Like Me  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      Never have I read a book that has so clearly accounted for the African American’s feelings towards white people. The hate that brews inside of the African Americans is unbelievably strong. I am trying to see the racism from the African American’s point of view, rather than the â€Å"white view†Ã‚   I have had my entire life.   I feel guilty, I am afraid, I fear the black man.    The protagonist of the novel is Bigger Thomas. He is from the lowest rung of the American social ladder of Depression-era Chicago: he is black, and he is poor. He has been trapped his whole life by the white society, and he has a burning, eternal hate for them. White people made him live the life he lived. By not letting him become anything but a servant, they led him to a life of crime and hate. For so long, too long, the whites saw every black the same. They were all bad and dirty and awful people. In turn, Bigger saw all whites as being bad. To him, every white man is out to hurt him. He returns the racist attitude presented to him by all of the white folk. He does not know how else to act. He only does what he knows how to do. He follows the white man’s example. Bigger proves, though, that he can change. He is willing to learn and to change. He proves that he can be taught, that he is not just an ignorant Negro. Jan Erlone and Boris Max helped him to see this. They encoura ged Bigger to fight and to believe in himself as a human. Bigger begins to see that â€Å"whiteness† is really individual people, and racial conflicts aren’t simply â€Å"whiteness† vs. â€Å"blackness.† He gives Max more of a chance than a whole society gave him. Everyone automatically assumed that Bigger raped and murdered Mary; their minds never were really open to anything else. Bigger opened his mind. He gave white folk a chance. Max treated him like a man, a person, and Bigger was grateful for that and he let Max know that by talking to him. If only the white folk could have realized that they needed to give him a chance. Had they treated him like a human being then maybe he would have told them all they wanted to know. Free Native Son Essays: White Like Me :: Native Son Essays Native Son:  Ã‚   White Like Me  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      Never have I read a book that has so clearly accounted for the African American’s feelings towards white people. The hate that brews inside of the African Americans is unbelievably strong. I am trying to see the racism from the African American’s point of view, rather than the â€Å"white view†Ã‚   I have had my entire life.   I feel guilty, I am afraid, I fear the black man.    The protagonist of the novel is Bigger Thomas. He is from the lowest rung of the American social ladder of Depression-era Chicago: he is black, and he is poor. He has been trapped his whole life by the white society, and he has a burning, eternal hate for them. White people made him live the life he lived. By not letting him become anything but a servant, they led him to a life of crime and hate. For so long, too long, the whites saw every black the same. They were all bad and dirty and awful people. In turn, Bigger saw all whites as being bad. To him, every white man is out to hurt him. He returns the racist attitude presented to him by all of the white folk. He does not know how else to act. He only does what he knows how to do. He follows the white man’s example. Bigger proves, though, that he can change. He is willing to learn and to change. He proves that he can be taught, that he is not just an ignorant Negro. Jan Erlone and Boris Max helped him to see this. They encoura ged Bigger to fight and to believe in himself as a human. Bigger begins to see that â€Å"whiteness† is really individual people, and racial conflicts aren’t simply â€Å"whiteness† vs. â€Å"blackness.† He gives Max more of a chance than a whole society gave him. Everyone automatically assumed that Bigger raped and murdered Mary; their minds never were really open to anything else. Bigger opened his mind. He gave white folk a chance. Max treated him like a man, a person, and Bigger was grateful for that and he let Max know that by talking to him. If only the white folk could have realized that they needed to give him a chance. Had they treated him like a human being then maybe he would have told them all they wanted to know.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Economic Impact of Pollution on Health Essay

Environmental degradation has indirect relationship with economic activity of households by affecting their health. Diseases borne by environmental pollution result in loss of income, loss of working hours, low labor productivity and heavy expenditure on health by households. This research assessed the economic impact of environmental pollution on human health. It was a micro level study conducted in the district of Rawalpindi. For this purpose, primary data was collected through interview schedule by using simple random technique. The extent of relationship between pollution borne diseases and income loss, expenditure on health and working hours was estimated through ANCOVA regression model using mixture of quantitative and qualitative variables. Results revealed the fact that there is both water and air pollution in Rawalpindi. Pure drinking water is seldom available. People are widely suffering from pollution borne diseases. Due to incidence of pollution borne diseases like malaria, hepatitis and asthma; household’s expenditure increases significantly. Of three diseases malaria is less dangerous according to economic point of view, because its treatment takes fewer resources out of total expenditure, while asthma and hepatitis occupies a large share of household expenditure. Income of household’s did not show significant response towards diseases, this result is justified by the logic, as when any member of family gets ill, other members or he/she himself try to earn more to meet health expenditure. On the other hand, outbreaks of such diseases in a country transmit a great shock to GDP of that country, because Govt. has to allocate certain handsome amount of budget to deal with such serious health issues. Similarly, it was observed that working hours of labor are seriously affected by the incidence of such diseases. Moreover, an affected person’s productivity also differs significantly from those who are healthy. Pollution is a negative characteristic of environment which causes degradation and affects the activities of individuals living in the environment. It is suggested that there must be some sound policy to defend the environment of Rawalpindi, so that quality of life can be better off for citizens. Clean environment is the pre-requisite for the citizens to play some constructive role in nation’s development.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reward Management System

TERM PAPER OF PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT TOPIC: REWARD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM {draw:frame} SUBMITTED TO: SUBMITTED BY: OVERVIEW: REWARD MANAGEMENT Reward management is about the development, implementation, maintenance communication, and evaluation of reward processes. These processes deal with the assessment of relative job values, the design and management of pay structures, performance management, paying for performance, competence or skill (contingent pay), the provision of employee benefits and pensions, and management of reward procedure. Employers and mangers should pay attention to their employees and special attention to the best employees. This is done to encourage good performers, to push them to greater heights. Positive recognition for people can ensure a positive and a productive organization. The recognition of outstanding performance aims to create an understanding of what behavior might add significant value to the organization and to promote such behavior. Awards- monetary and non-monetary – should be given based on the achievements and accomplishments of workers. The Business Research Lab, 2006) But first, let's take a quick look at the primary goals of rewards and recognition. Jack Zigon defines rewards as â€Å"_something than increases the frequency of an employee action_† (1998). This definition points to an obvious desired outcome of rewards and recognition: to improve performance. Non-monetary recognition can be very motivating, helping to build feelings of confidence and satisfaction (Keller 1999). Another important goal is increased employee retention. An ASTD report on retention research identified consistent employee recognition as a key factor in retaining top-performing workers. (Jimenez 1999). COMPONENTS OF REWARD SYSTEM An organization’s reward system compromises three components- Monetary rewards, Non-monetary rewards and psychological satisfaction. Monetary rewards Monetary rewards are those paid by any negotiable instrument- cash, cheque, money order and direct deposit. It can also be any item that can be readily converted to cash such as savings bonds or gift –cards/certificates. Non-monetary rewards These can be in the form of meals, trips, plaques, trophies, desk items, cups and mugs, personal items and clothing such as caps, shirts and sweatshirts and other items such as tools, electronics, radios and sports equipments. Psychological satisfaction This form of reward includes opportunities to perform meaningful work, social interactions with others in the workplace, job training, career advancement opportunities, recognition, employer brand, and a host of similar factors. REWARD SYSTEM {draw:line} {draw:line} * {draw:line} * {draw:rect} {draw:line} {draw:line} * {draw:line} * {draw:rect} draw:line} * {draw:line} {draw:line} * {draw:rect} * {draw:line} {draw:line} * {draw:line} * {draw:line} * {draw:rect} * {draw:rect} * {draw:rect} {draw:line} {draw:line} * {draw:line} * {draw:line} * {draw:line} * {draw:line} * {draw:line} * {draw:line} {draw:rect} {draw:rect} * {draw:rect} * {draw:rect} * {draw:line} {draw:line} * {draw:line} * {draw:line} * {draw:line} * {draw:line} {draw:li ne} * {draw:line} * {draw:rect} * {draw:rect} {draw:line} {draw:line} * {draw:line} * {draw:line} {draw:rect} {draw:line} {draw:rect} {draw:line} {draw:rect} draw:line} {draw:rect} {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:line} {draw:rect} LINKAGE OF PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT TO REWARD SYSTEM Performance management is concerned with measuring individuals' effectiveness in their roles, understanding their aspirations and determining which development actions would be most appropriate. Reward management is about understanding individuals' motivating factors, and determining the level of pay, bonus and other rewards they receive. In some organizations the links between the two are strong and explicit, while in others they are kept deliberately separate. Work in these areas can be prompted by evidence of employee dissatisfaction, such as high turnover or poor morale, or by the desire to drive a change in some aspect of employees' behavior. The effectiveness of an organization's performance and reward management can have a major impact not only on morale and productivity but also its ability to attract and retain staff. Many companies have found that far from complementing the stated aims of the business, their performance and reward systems were actually driving counter-productive behavior. Motivation and Reward System Management Employee motivation is the psychological feature that arouses an employee to behave in a certain manner for accomplishing certain organizational goals. It is imperative for the organization to enhance motivation level of the employees in order to bring out the best in them. The motivation-level of the sales force must be kept high in order that the sales force efficiently realizes the sales goals. Reward system management is the framework that envisions formulation of different types of reward systems to boost the motivation of the salespersons. Role of Compensation and Rewards* in Organization: Compensation and Reward system plays vital role in a business organization. Since, among four Ms, i. _e__ Men, Material, Machine and Money, _Men has been most important factor, it is impossible to imagine a business process without Men. Land, Labor, Capital and Organization are four major factors of production. Every factor contributes to the process of production/business. It expects return from the business process such as Rent is the return expected by the Landlord. imilarly Capitalist expects Interest and Organizers i. e Entrepreneur expects profits. The labour expects wages from the process. It is evident that other factors are in-human factors and as such labour plays vital role in bringing about the process of production/business in motion. The other factors being human, has expectations, emotions, ambitions and egos. Labour therefore expects to have fair share in the business/production process. Advantages of Fair Compensation System: Therefore a fair compensation system is a must for every business organization. The fair compensation system will help in the following: If an ideal compensation system is designed, it will have positive impact on the efficiency and results produced by workmen. Such system will encourage the normal worker to perform better and achieve the standards fixed. this system will encourage the process of job evaluation. It will also help in setting up an ideal job evaluation, which will have transparency, and the standards fixing would be more realistic and achievable. Such a system would be well defined and uniform. It will be apply to all the levels of the organization as a general system. The system would be simple and flexible so that every worker/recipient would be able to compute his own compensation receivable. Such system would be easy to implement, so that it would not penalize the workers for the reasons beyond their control and would not result in exploitation of workers. It will raise the morale, efficiency and cooperation among the workers. It, being just and fair would provide satisfaction to the workers. Such system would help management in complying with the various labor acts. Such system would also bring about amicable settlement of disputes between the workmen union and management. 10. The system would embody itself the principle of equal work equal wages. Encouragement for those who perform better and opportunities for those who wish to excel. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY DATA COLLECTION The data I’ve chosen for my study is SECONDARY data. The relevant secondary data is collected from the sources like Internet and books. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study is to: Investigate the relationship between the human resource function and payroll administration Evaluate the link between pay and performance Understanding the overall objectives and structure of the organisation, and the factors that have prompted the review of performance and reward Understanding how the current performance and reward management systems work, how they are perceived, and what effect they are having Agreeing what behaviours and capabilities should be rewarded, and what reward elements and approaches should be used, for which employees Goals and objectives of rewarding in an organization The main purpose of this rewarding strategy is to support business goals and to recruit and retain high performers’ . Compensation and rewarding is important. A recognition programme can be arranged anytime and it does not have to be expensive. All it needs is fairness, high visibility and consistency. To be fair, a programme must not favor one employee over another. Making certain that a programme is highly visible will help to ensure consistent implementation . The reward should just be part of the process. Recognition, however, can be achieved by the reward given at a gathering of employees. A good manager automatically knows that employee satisfaction is essential to healthy teamwork and productivity. The best manager will always try to find ways to bring out the strengths in every employee but when an employee just isn't fit for the job, the manager should take a hard look for a better way to use their talents. Management To insure fair and consistent application, set of rewards and recognition programmes should be developed. This should be characterized by pre-arranged frequently scheduled ways of acknowledging contributions and accomplishments for an individual or team. Reward and recognition should be given as acknowledgements and appreciation for attendance, safety, customer service, productivity, public service, outstanding achievements and the like. Attendance reward is given as an incentive to reduce the number of unplanned sick days or lost days due to injury and to reduce the level of over time required to back bill absent employees. Customer service rewards help to promote and recognize employees for outstanding customer service. Sales award provides an incentive for employees to increase the sales margin over the previous fiscal year, such as in a bookstall. Another approach to employee recognition is by providing employee rewards and recognition at anytime for demonstration of behaviors and values of the organization; contributions to the goals and objectives of the organization or work unit and to acknowledge individual or team accomplishments. Such behaviors and contribution are team work, project completion, suggestion for a new or modified business practice, exemplary efforts, employee appreciation, employee of the month and honouring separating employees. PAY AND REWARD SYSTEM Pay is an important feature of human resource management – after all, it is the main reason why people work. It is a sensitive and controversial area that has been extensively debated at both practical and theoretical levels. In the US the term ‘compensation' is used to encompass everything received by an employed individual in return for work. For example, Milcovich et al (2001: 6) state that: â€Å"Employees may see compensation as a return in exchange between their employer and themselves, as an entitlement for being an employee of the company, or as a reward for a job well done†. The term ‘reward management' covers both the strategy and the practice of pay systems. Traditionally, human resource or personnel sections have been concerned with levels and schemes of payment whereas the process of paying employees – the payroll function – has been the responsibility of finance departments. There is a trend towards integrating the two, driven by new computerized packages offering a range of facilities. There are two basic types of pay schemes, although many organizations have systems which include elements of both: Fixed levels of pay. Wages or salaries which do not vary from one period to the next except by defined pay increases, generally on annual basis. There may be scales of payments determined by age, responsibility or seniority. Most ‘white-collar' jobs were paid in this way until recently. Reward linked to performance. The link may be daily, weekly, monthly or annualized. Payment for any one period varies from that for any other period, depending on quantity or quality of work. Sales functions are commonly paid on the basis of turnover; manual and production workers may be paid according to work completed or items produced. Catering staff typically rely on direct payment from satisfied customers in the form of service charges or tips (gratuities). Both methods work smoothly, provided that scales are easy to understand and the methods of measuring completed work are overt, accurate and fair. However, there has been considerable dissatisfaction with the management of pay on both sides of the employment relationship. In recent years, attempts have been made to remedy the situation through new systems and a greater reliance on performance-related pay. 5 Ways to Reward Employees (Without Spending a Dime) Your firm's employees work hard (well, most of them). And in a world where corporations like to boast about running â€Å"lean and mean,† it may seem nearly impossible to compensate employees for doing good work without breaking the budget. Here's the hard-earned advice to reward employees. 1. Flex those hours. If there's one free reward that rises above the rest, it's flexible work schedules. Nearly every expert suggested flex time as a perk that offers the most gain with the least pain. Give a little latitude in determining work schedules and to take time for family or personal issues (such as doctor’s appointment and banking errands),† advised Richard Martin, president of Alcera Consulting Inc. â€Å"As long as the employee is deserving and doesn’t abuse the privilege, this can go a long way to building trusting and mature relationships with key workers. † 2. Send a handwritten note. Supervisors should ask top brass to write a personal note to employees who deserve recognition. For example, Advanced MD CEO Jim Pack handwrites his thank-you notes to employees on a $2 bill. In three years of doing this, only one employee has asked if he could spend it,† said company spokesman John Pilmer. 3. Make work fun. â€Å"Everyone must be having fun and socializing while doing work. The environment of the organization must be very conducive. 4. Help them connect. Introducing employees to key suppliers, customers or someone in senior management can help make an employee's career, and it won't cost you a thing. 5. Lose the shoes. Kerrie Ray, an account executive with the Echo Media Group public relations irm, said implementing a â€Å"no-shoes policy† can make employees feel right at home with each other, which translates into increased productivity. (But she suggests keeping the footwear handy in case clients come in. ) â€Å"It's great to be in an office where employees are more concerned about doing quality work than what shoes or jewelry they have on,† she said. â€Å"We get so much done. † 6. Send them to the showers. (As in parties, not lathering and rinsing. ) â€Å"Every birth and wedding deserves a shower,†. â€Å"Echo employees always leave early on shower days, and the food is on the house. No need to make up the time. † 7. Reward effort as well as success. Even if their ideas sometimes fail, you want employees to keep producing them, said Alan Weiss, president of the Summit Consulting Group Inc. â€Å"When I consulted with the CEO of Calgon, we created an annual award for ‘the best idea that didn't work' and presented a loving cup at the annual awards dinner. This stimulated innovation and positive behavior, not ‘winning. ‘† 8. Give them a free pass. Levine suggests giving out a certain number of free days off to employees to use as they see fit. Employees get a few of these a year and can use them as they like,† she said. â€Å"They don't have to pretend to be sick. They can go to the beach, read a book, play with their kids †¦ it doesn't matter. † 9. Dole out cream and sugar. During the busiest times of the year, executives at the Cigna Group push coffee carts around the office, serving drinks and refreshments to their colleagues, noted Steve Harrison, author of â€Å"The Manager's Book of Decencies: How Small Gestures Build Great Companies. † As they serve, executives coach and encourage colleagues and hear about real consumer issues. 10. Blow out the candles. Cisco Systems Inc. ‘s CEO John Chambers hosts a monthly hour-long birthday breakfast for any employee with a birthday that month, says Harrison. â€Å"Employees are invited to ask him anything. They feel recognized, and he gains loyal employees who share their ideas. † 11. Spread the love. Ask co-workers to write something they truly like or admire about an employee on a scrap of paper, then frame them along with a photograph of the employee, suggested David Russell, author of â€Å"Success With People – A Complete System for Effectively Managing People in Any Organization. † 12. Offer a swap. Giving your best employees a chance to pick their own projects or trade tasks with a colleague empowers and rewards them at the same time, said Harrison. 13. Applaud their efforts — literally. If someone has done something really worthwhile, your entire staff must give them a standing ovation at the next meeting. 14. Say it with flowers. Reward the top employees by bringing in flowers and arranging them in a spectacular crystal vase on their desks. â€Å"Everybody knew what having the custody of the flowers meant,† â€Å"Surprisingly, even the men competed fiercely for custody of the flowers. 15. Walk it as you talk it. The City of Dallas sponsored a walkathon where employees set goals for walking a certain number of steps each day, offering a free gym membership to those who walked the farthest. Not only did they get more fit, they turned their daily walks into traveling staff meetings. â€Å"Group members must be able to update one another on projects, solicit team input and improve their fitness,† 16. Pass the bucks. Handing out monopoly money that can be redeemed for gifts and other goodies may not be strictly free, but it pays off handsomely in the long run. For example, associates at Bank Atlantic can pass out â€Å"WOW! Bucks† to colleagues who've done something outstanding, said bank vice president Gregory Dalmotte. The bucks can eventually be traded in for real goods. â€Å"There's a clear correlation that words of encouragement have created associates who perform at a higher level,† he says. 17. Share the memories. â€Å"My team created a scrapbook chronicling the impact I'd had on their company and gave it to me on my last day in the office,† said Lopeke. â€Å"People who’d worked on my teams wrote testimonials and creative graphics highlighting some our team successes. It's the best gift I ever received in my 40-year career. † 18. Elect them to the Wall of Fame. Several experts suggested setting aside a public space inside your firm and placing photos of employees who've accomplished something truly special, along with the details of what they did to earn their place on the wall. 19. Create your own â€Å"Club Med. † Set aside a quiet space or unused office in your building where employees can meditate, chill out, nap or otherwise re-center themselves, said John Putzier, author of â€Å"Get Weird! 101 Innovative Ways to Make Your Company a Great Place to Work. † 20. Stoke their passion. â€Å"Great employees are not mercenaries,† said Dr. Richard Chang, CEO of Richard Chang Associates Inc. , a performance-improvement consultancy. â€Å"They don’t just want to enjoy their work, they want to be passionate about it †¦ if you want your employees to feel valued and inspire their passion on your behalf, encourage them to make their own decisions. You can have systems in place to control the implementation of ideas, but you must be certain not to compromise the enthusiasm, creativity and hard work that make them possible in the first place. † 21. Give them a place to park it. Reserve the best parking spot for employees who've done something truly worthwhile, said Lopeke. And if it's next to the CEO's Lexus so the employee can chat him or her up on the way into work, so much the better. 22. Remember the spouses. Independent management consultant Nan Amish recalled one time when she had 16 employees trapped in a hotel lobby on a Sunday night, waiting for the ballroom to open so they could set up a trade-show booth. â€Å"I bought flowers at a farmers market, a nice $6 bouquet of roses for each person,† she said. â€Å"I told them to take them home to their significant others, apologizing for me taking them away from their families on a Sunday. The next day I got thank-yous from most of them. One wife sent a letter saying I could keep her husband until Friday. † 23. Publicize their successes. â€Å"We like to publicly recognize employees so the whole company can share in their accomplishments,† noted Scott Ragusa, president of contract businesses for staffing firm The Winter, Wyman Companies. â€Å"Each week, nominations for our quarterly ‘Clutch' award are shared with the whole company. The Clutch nominations are a way to recognize our administrative and nonmanagerial professional staff members who have come through in the clutch in supporting their departments or the firm. 24. Let them phone it in. Telecommuting programs can relieve stress and make workers feel more appreciated, as well as more productive. â€Å"Reward the employee by starting with one day of telecommuting, then add additional days as performance heightens,† suggested Brian Margarita, president of IT staffing firm TalentFuse Inc. â€Å"Having the option to cart the kids to so ccer practice, visit the beach during the afternoon or cut out early to avoid traffic congestion is becoming more important than working an 80-hour week for a larger paycheck. † 25. Remember the secret words. The two most underused words in corporate America that get the highest ROI (return on investment) and ROT (return on your time) are the simple words ‘thank you,'† noted Michael Guld, president of the Guld Resource Group author of â€Å"The Million Dollar Media Rep: How to Become a Television and Radio Sales Superstar. † While telling the employees , appreciation should be obvious, no one does it enough or is specific enough about what the employee did. â€Å"So when you share your appreciation, be specific about what you really liked, so they not only feel appreciated but can do it again. The Do's and Don'ts of Effective Reward Programs Effective Reward Systems. Reward systems should focus on positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is the most e ffective tool for encouraging desired behavior because it stimulates people to take actions because they want to because they get something of value (internally or externally) for doing it. An effectively designed and managed reward program can drive an organization's change process by positively reinforcing desired behaviors. There is a criterion for building effective reward systems that is the SMART criteria. These criteria should be used when designing and evaluating programs. Programs should be: Specific: A line of sight should be maintained between rewards and actions. Meaningful: The achievements rewarded should provide an important return on investment to both the performer and the organization. Achievable: The employee's or group's goals should be within the reach of the performers. Reliable: The program should operate according to its principles and purpose. Timely: The recognition/rewards should be provided frequently enough to make performers feel valued for their efforts. Case Study Employee Incentive Safety Program: â€Å"Rim Safe Colleagues at Work† Rim Hospitality is a hotel, resort and boutique property management company offering full-service property management solutions including Rim Office2 hotel property revenue management software, fully integrated real-time payroll, hotel revenue data collection & reporting, and employee staffing and training programs. With rising workers compensation expenses, Rim Hospitality needed to find a cost effective solution that would motivate employees to help reduce these costs, and also maximize efficiencies with employee productivity and scheduling. A comprehensive plan outlining all of the program objectives, requirements, communications, training, projected costs and benefits were developed. A safety team leader was appointed at each property to facilitate the program, maintain frequent communication about the program, and reinforce the messages coming from upper management. Consistent communication from the home office, to team leaders, to colleagues is an important reminder to drive this new behavior. They decided to implement a prepaid MasterCard card as the award. This provided the employee the freedom to choose what they want, when they want it, making them feel truly rewarded. The list of recipients is communicated to Springbok Services each quarter that provides the personalized MasterCard cards with a safety logo and bulk ships them to Rim Hospitality. Awards are handed out at each hotel property to provide a personal touch and give upper management the opportunity to again, reinforce the positive behavior they are looking for and share the results of the program amongst all the hotels in a motivating way. Rim Hospitality experienced positive results almost immediately which have steadily increased. Over two years, they reduced workers compensation claims by 29%. This meant a savings of $634,000 and a 3. 4 to 1 ROI to the bottom line. Peer-to-peer Employee Recognition Program: â€Å"Informal Awards Program† Applied Materials is the global leader in nano manufacturing technology solutions for the electronics industry with a broad portfolio of innovative equipment, services and software products. Applied Materials innovates and commercializes the processing and manufacturing technology that helps semiconductor manufacturers produce the world's most advanced chips. Applied Materials had implemented a peer-to-peer employee recognition program that was being manually tracked and awards were being fulfilled out of their company store. Managing the program was utilizing resources that could be focused on other productive projects. They needed to find a solution that would automate the program and award fulfillment. Applied Materials chose the Reward Incentive Management System (RIMS) from Springbok Services to fulfill this need. RIMS is a web based application that was easy to integrate with The Applied Materials reward and recognition program. RIMS fully automated the process of setting up and tacking budgets, nominating and approving awards, collecting recipient information and streamlining the award fulfillment process through its integration into Springbok’s MasterCard card management system. The goal of the program is to encourage outstanding performance and consistent behavior for employees and temporary or contract personnel to support corporate goals and values related to the following categories: Safety First: Individual award to promote positive safety-related behaviors and/or results that go beyond the normal job scope. Quality Counts: Individual award to promote positive quality-related behaviors and/or results that go beyond the normal job scope. Achieving Excellence: Individual award to promote outstanding behaviors and/or results toward corporate goals and objectives. TEAM Award Together Everyone Achieves More: Award to promote outstanding behaviors and/or results demonstrated or obtained by a team of 10 or less. Employees can nominate each other for awards, email notifications are sent to managers for approval, and once approved, the MasterCard prepaid card is mailed to the recipient. Fulfillment of awards through their company store has been eliminated and the whole award nomination and approval process has been automated and streamlined increasing both employee productivity and satisfaction. Health & Wellness Initiative: â€Å"Healthy Living† The Pepsi Bottling Group (PBG) is the world's largest manufacturer, seller and distributor of Pepsi-Cola beverages — some of the world's most recognized consumer brands. The PBG sales force of more than 30,000 customer representatives sell and deliver nearly 200 million eight-ounce servings of Pepsi-Cola beverages per day. PBG's focus is on superior sales execution, customer service, merchandising and operating excellence. In 2005, PBG was working to better manage the rising cost of health care for its employees. They decided they could do that by educating their employees on various health related issues. To narrow the scope of broad number of health related topics, PBG implemented an employee survey to get feedback on the interest of their employees. Beginning in January 2006, employees were provided the opportunity to complete a healthcare survey and receive a prepaid MasterCard card as an incentive. In addition to the employee receiving the incentive, participating spouses in the healthcare benefits program could qualify as well. Qualifying employees were collected on a weekly basis by a third party healthcare management company and the data file was submitted to Springbok. The prepaid Master Cards were made and mailed directly to the employees who completed the survey. The participation rate from employees in the survey was over double the rate PBG has projected going into the program. Following the survey period, results were analyzed and employees were offered a variety of healthcare educational classes to attend. When the class was completed, the employee received an additional prepaid MasterCard as a reward for completing the class. The educational program is on-going at this time. PBG rolled the program out with a multi-media communications campaign, from emails and newsletters, to direct mail pieces mailed to employee’s homes. A custom branded PBG Healthy Living prepaid MasterCard card was used along with a custom card carrier and envelope. This branding helped tie the incentive back to the program continuing to remind and motivate employees to further participate. They attribute the success of the program to the amount and consistency of communication and the attractiveness and flexibility of the incentive, Springbok’s prepaid MasterCard card. Employee Service Awards Program: â€Å"Iowa Telecom’s Personal Touch† Iowa Telecom is the second largest local telephone company in Iowa. They work hard to provide their customers with reliable dial tone, long distance and Internet services every second of every day. They provide telephone service to over 440 communities across the state. Their 600+ trained professionals are working across the state to provide reliable service with a personal touch. That personal touch is not only conveyed to their customers, but to their employees as well. With the large number of employees and diverse interests they have, Iowa Telecom was faced with trying to consolidate their service anniversary awards program, to a streamlined, single awards program. After considering a variety of different awards, Iowa Telecom decided to utilize Springbok’s prepaid Service Awards MasterCard. Since the fall of 2002, Iowa Telecom has been awarding their employees for length of service, celebrating the employees’ anniversary during the month it occurs. Each calendar year, an employee file is sent to Springbok to manage the program and order the prepaid MasterCard. Orders are placed for people whose anniversaries are in the following month. That schedule, gives Iowa Telecom plenty of lead time to verify the employee’s status and provide payment for the order. Orders are fulfilled and the prepaid MasterCard cards are bulk shipped to Iowa Telecom’s human resource department. They utilize the â€Å"service awards† branded card to reinforce what the incentive is for and the card is personalized with the employees name for that special recognition. To show appreciation to these loyal employees, Iowa Telecom President, Alan L. Wells, includes a letter of appreciation acknowledging the employees loyalty for service. This personal touch is consistent with the pleasant work environment and efforts to recognize and reward employees for their achievements. The program has been running over 4 years and employee feedback has been positive with regard to receiving the prepaid MasterCard card as it provides them the flexibility to choose their own reward by purchasing what they want, from millions of places, wherever MasterCard debit cards are accepted. Employee Sales Incentive Program: â€Å"Balkamp – NAPA Auto Parts† NAPA purchases auto parts from various manufacturers and redistributes them to NAPA warehouses. The role of Balkamp is to take the NAPA Auto Parts Store into new markets and to provide the necessary support to enable the store to gain market share. Balkamp adds value to NAPA stores through packaging, order quantities, catalogs, sales, pricing, service, promotions, warranty, obsolescence, innovation, and a product mix that includes hard parts, tools and equipment, accessories, service items, performance and SUV accessories, and chemicals. Coordinating with so many different parts manufacturers and their individual incentive programs, Balkamp was challenged with finding a way to increase sales by their district reps to their franchises and streamline the payments to the sales team upon achieving their goals. Balkamp also needed the flexibility of managing multiple incentive programs at the same time for multiple manufacturers. Grouping the awards into one payment vehicle simplified the process for Balk amp and the recipient. Balkamp selected a re-loadable prepaid MasterCard debit card that can be used anywhere MasterCard debit cards are accepted. The Balkamp incentive award program started in 2005 to help increase sales company wide through their distribution channels to their franchises. With 100+ district sales representatives, Balkamp can implement incentive programs relatively easily, communicate the goals, track the sales and award the sales person very quickly. Requirements are built for sales people to achieve certain criteria. For various products at different times, the sales people are tasked with selling truck loads of product through their distribution centers to any of their stores nationally. Upon reaching certain thresholds, the award amounts are loaded onto their prepaid MasterCard card from Springbok Services which they retain and can be re-loaded each time a new incentive threshold is achieved. Into the second year of the program, Balkamp is continuing with this incentive program as it has made a positive impact in increased sales, and decreased costs associated with administering their sales incentive program.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chapter 1 obj Essay

Chapter 1 obj Essay Chapter 1 obj Essay Chapter 1: Biology: Exploring Life 1. Define biology. Explain what is meant by science. Explain the reading about the snowy owls and how it is a good example of evolutionary diversity (Introduction and Lecture). 2. List and define the levels of biological organization and briefly describe their interrelationship. Define emergent properties (Module 1.1 and Lecture). 3. Outline the role of producers or autotrophs (plants, certain bacteria and some plant protists), consumers or heterotrophs (animals, some bacteria, some protists) and decomposers (fungi, some bacteria). (Module 1.4 and Lecture) 4. Distinguish between chemical cycling and energy flow in an ecosystem (Module 1.4 and Lecture). 5. Based on cells and DNA, briefly explain why all forms of life have common features. Relate this to the features that can be used to distinguish life from nonlife (Modules 1.1, 1.3, 1.4 and Lecture). 6. List the three Domains of life, briefly describe each and give examples of organisms from each. Explain how Kingdoms relate to these three Domains (Module 1.6 and Lecture). 7. Summarize the basic concepts of the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection (What is a scientific Theory, how does it differ from a hypothesis and how does it differ from the everyday use of the term theory) (Module 1.7 and Lecture). 8. Explain what is meant by â€Å"discovery science† and what is meant by â€Å"hypothesis-based science† and why most scientists use a combination of these two types of inquiry (Modules

Monday, October 21, 2019

Dealing With the Check 21 Banking Law

Dealing With the 'Check 21' Banking Law A sweeping new federal banking law known as â€Å"Check 21† will go into effect beginning October 28, speeding up check processing and putting consumers at risk for more bounced checks and fees, warns Consumers Union. The consumer group is advising consumers to keep a careful eye on their bank statements in the coming months and issued a set of tips to avoid some of the law’s potentially negative impacts. â€Å"Check 21 will be a boon for the banks who will save billions of dollars once it’s fully implemented,† said Gail Hillebrand, Senior Attorney with Consumers Union’s West Coast Office in a CU press release. â€Å"Consumers could end up losing out if they’re not careful and if banks use the new law as an excuse to bounce more checks and collect more fees.† Starting October 28, 2004, consumers will discover that their bank account statements will come with fewer – or perhaps none – of their canceled paper checks, as banks begin to process checks electronically. Consumers will enjoy less â€Å"float,† meaning that the checks they write will clear much faster. Under the new law, checks could clear as early as the same day, but banks won’t be under any obligation to make funds from checks that consumers deposit into their accounts available any sooner. That could mean more bounced checks and more overdraft fees paid by consumers. Banks maintain that the law will be implemented gradually, but consumers will begin to experience its effects in the coming months as more and more banks and merchants take advantage of electronic processing and other provisions of the law. So even if a consumer’s bank doesn’t implement Check 21 right away, another bank or merchant that processes the consumer’s check might choose to do so. That means the original check may never be returned to the consumer’s bank so the consumer won’t receive the canceled paper check in their bank statement. And any check the consumer writes might clear as early as the same day. Consumers Union is advising consumers to review their bank statements carefully to get a better sense of how Check 21 is affecting them and offers the following tips to avoid its potential pitfalls: Expect the checks you write to clear faster, but not your deposited checks: Dont write a check unless the funds are already in your account.The checks you write will clear faster, but banks arent required to speed up the time when they make funds available from checks that you deposit.Most banks will credit checks you deposit into your account in one day if the check is local. Deposits that are made through ATMs can take an extra day to be credited to your account.And out-of-town checks you deposit can take additional days to be credited to your account.The best way to ensure that your paycheck will be deposited quickly is to arrange for direct deposit through your workplace. Social Security check recipients can also arrange for direct deposit. (Note: starting in 2013, Social Security stopped issuing paper benefit checks.)Ask for a â€Å"recredit† right in writing if your bank makes a check processing error: If a check you write is paid twice, or paid for the wrong amount, or something else goes wrong with your checking account, you may have the right to â€Å"recredit† under Check 21. This â€Å"recredit† right means that you are entitled to have the funds returned to your account within 10 business days unless the bank proves that there was no error. If something goes wrong with your checking account, make a written request that your bank recredit the funds to your account. Your bank can avoid the 10-day recredit deadline if you did not receive a substitute check.Ask for a substitute check if there is a problem with your account involving a check: Check 21 restricts recredit to consumers who were provided with a substitute check. If there is a problem with your account involving a check, always ask for a substitute check, which is a special kind of copy of your paper check. If you now get your original checks back, you could ask for an account that returns substitute checks every month. If your bank charges too much for an account that returns substitute checks every month, look for another bank.Find out how your bank plans to treat you under Check 21: Not all banks plan to implement Check 21 in the same manner. Find out if your bank will give you a substitute check if you ask for one and if it plans to charge customers an extra fee for a substitute check. And find out if your bank places a hold on your deposits so you can take steps to avoid bouncing checks and paying overdraft fees once the checks you write start to clear more quickly under Check 21. A fact sheet on the Check 21 law is available at:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

14 April Fools Day Pranks for College

14 April Fools Day Pranks for College Not all of us have the time or the patience to completely tinfoil someone’s dorm room, or sticky note their care. We don’t all have flash mobs of friends to do something nuts for April Fool’s Day. In this post we’ve got 14 gags that just about anyone should be able to pull off and there’s no real budget to speak of. Especially not if two or three people are in on them. Check it out! 1. Get like 80 Poppers And†¦ Here’s what you do: tape them to their dorm room door from this inside (no scaling any sky scrapers for this). With 100 of these things the sound will be pretty big; the mess will be lovely; you’ll scare the #$@ out of them! 2. The Best April Fool’s for Computer Nerds..EVER! After browsing the ten billion ideas Google has to offer, this is definitely one of the coolest. You’re basically going to put your head in a jar and then put it in their fridge. Or, you could go with their best friend’s, or significant other’s head. All you need is a computer. 3. Does Their Major Require Typing? Hey, if someone you want to play a prank on does a bunch of typing this is a really good one: rearrange the letters of their keyboard. It’s harmless, easy to do without breaking the keyboard and yeah. Even if they are the fastest and loudest typer in school, it will boggle their mind. You could order the letters to say something perhaps? 4. This is Hardcore This can get ugly fast so you need some finesse. If you’ve got a girlfriend/boyfriend, have a stranger they don’t know hand them a hand written â€Å"I’m breaking up with you and dropping out† letter. It helps if the gangs in on it, but again, while this will definitely get a reaction it might backfire†¦ 5. Nail Polish + Soap This is an oldy but goody. You just coat their soap with clear nail polish and in the morning when they try to shower it won’t lather and they’ll be like, â€Å"Whu?† 6. Fill the Halls with Fruit Not on the ground silly, but hanging from clear cords or strings. At least everyone will get their fruits in for the day. You could go with bananas, apples, pears, strawberries, grapes, or even go big with grapefruits. 7. Mouse + Jello These days a regular computer mouse doesn’t cost but a few bucks. So, go ahead and put their mouse in the middle of a jello mold of your choosing. It should be said that jello is both cheap and amazing. You can get pretty crafty with jello and just about everyone loves the stuff. 8. Go Pop Star Just pick a pop star they would love to have plastered all over their stuff and go to town. Bieber is always a favorite. But, let your imagination run wild. 9. Pregnancy This only works on guys that have no clue it’s April Fool’s Day. You know, those guys who only know basically New Years, Spring Break and Christmas. If they have a girlfriend, oh yeah this will get them good. If they don’t and you know someone they’ve been frisky with in the past that’s willing to play along†¦even better. 10. Flash Mob Anyone? Okay fine, no prank or gag list is complete without the theater company involved. 11. The Out of Reach Alarm Clock Simply put: legendary. Grab their alarm clock while they’re sleeping, set it to go off an hour earlier in a hidden place that will drive them nuts. If it can be taped to the ceiling out of reach – perfect! 12. The Ultimate Stink Bomb? Everybody loved a stink bomb. So why not bomb an entire dorm? Why not bomb an entire building? I mean you can get boxes of these things in multiples colors, head into the stairwell and go floor by floor (two people on both sides for ideal coverage). So awesome! And, if you’re major is covert operations you should be able to stealth-mode this and no one will even know you just pulled a prank that will make the college paper! 13. Dixie Cups for Miles This is especially cool for anyone that’s a fan of beer pong. You can get hundreds of these things for cheap (make sure to recycle them afterwards), fill them only a little bit with water or whatever works, and then chill. You could fill an entire dorm room hallway. You could fill their dorm room. It’s funny. 14. A Bed Full of Cornflakes! Cornflakes. Cheap, loud, crunchy, delicious with milk and processed sugar. Why not a bed, car, dorm room, or closet full of them? Okay all you aspiring students out there, how do you do it? Share your tips for pranks in comments!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Managing Family Owned Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Managing Family Owned Business - Essay Example From this research it is clear that family businesses are created for a variety of reasons, but a common belief among founders of family businesses is that working together as a family unit can be more profitable than working alone. Family businesses, whether they are small, local enterprises or large, national companies have unique concerns, such as interrelationships between family members, the question of succession in the next generation, maintaining talent, ownership and finance, in addition to all the problems that other businesses face. A family business has the challenge of balancing both the family and the business. Many times these two systems are in conflict with each other. Power struggles, resolving conflicting vested interests, leadership and mergers are other issues that arise on a daily basis. The importance of the consultant in supplying the guidance and expertise in the area of managerial skills is often overlooked in the family firm either because of lack of financ ial resources or the erroneous belief that an outsider does not know the business and thus cannot offer effective solutions. As resources and energies shift from transaction based to value-added activities, there is mounting pressure to improve traditional measures of business efficiency (Javier & Low, 2003). A family business has the challenge of balancing two distinct and often conflicting systems: the family and the business. Despite family business' significance in the economy, researches are showing that most of them are struggling to survive beyond a single generation. (Krebs, 2001; Carlock & Ward, 2001). According to Theune (2000) â€Å"stories about family businesses that failed due to mismanagement or family conflict are very common.... [and] only three out of ten family businesses survive into the third generation† (p. 1). Researchers are concerned that the biggest factor in the success or failure of family businesses are the relationships between family members. Th ere are many things to consider including personal well being, family life, financial security and even standing in the community (Hubler, 1998). The implications are that each generation can either bequeath the business and the business skills to the next generation or choose to let the emotional, psychological or relational issues destroy the business (Kets de Vries, 1996). The challenge for trainers to overcome is to synchronise individual visions of the family and the business. It is this creation of a shared vision that is the work of the planner or trainer before designing and implementing any technical succession plan that sets up a family business for success (Theune, 2000). Siblings vie for positions within the company over power, status, influence and prestige. There are conflicts over succession with siblings, conflicts over succession with parents, as well as intergenerational conflict. Issues such as how a female successor deals with male resentment and domination and g ains respect have also surfaced. Family businesses suffer from the complications of hiring unqualified

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Foundation of Management Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Foundation of Management Theory - Essay Example The leading consumer good company, Procter and Gamble (P&G), has recently planned to take a few more weeks to pay back its suppliers. The amount is $ 2 billion and thus, the company has planned to arrange the cash by taking up wise cash management practices. b) Glaxo Smith Kline’s (GSK) management has planned to put an end to the frenetic expansion of the brand, Horlicks and focus on launching new varieties in the biscuits segment. 2) Organizing is the next step which follows planning. Organization of the resources means bringing them together and employing them in the right place, thereby achieving the goals of the company. It is a process as well as a structure. It deals with arranging the ways for executing the plans of the business for attaining its goals. It gives an appropriate structure to the administration of the organization and works hard for its future improvement. It involves different aspects like a span of control, segregation of departments, foundation of super ior-subordinate relationships, a delegation of authority and provision for coordinating a range of business activities. Examples a) Organization of the necessary resources is needed for executing a successful plan. In the case of P&G, it is important to collect all the financial data of the company and make the decision of extending the credit period for the suppliers. Thus, the organization of the proper resources is required in this case. b) The extensive market survey of GSK regarding the expansion of Horlicks has made them aware of the fact that the process of extension is becoming chaotic. Thus, the information is organized properly in order to take the decision for ceasing the extension of the brand. ` 3) Staffing Staffing can be referred to as the requirement of manpower for executing certain business plans. Staffing is a part of the managerial function consists of selection, recruitment, training and development, performance appraisal and determination of salaries and wages. The requirement of this process arises at the initial stage and there is a regular need for time to time replacement of the staffs along with diversification and expansion of the business activities (Morden, 2004). The basic need of every business is the stable, efficient and cooperative staff for management of the business activities. Thus, it can be deducted that manpower is a significant asset for the business unit. In most of the organizations, the development and planning activities of manpower are delegated to the human resource department managers and the personnel manager (Griffin, 2006). â€Å"Right man for the right job† is the main principle for the staffing process, successful operation of the organization is dependent on the skillful labor (Griffin, 2006). Examples 4) Controlling Controlling is referred to as the most vital function of the management. It is highly necessary in the case of individuals and departments so as to avoid wrong actions and activities. C ontrolling includes three broad aspects namely, setting up benchmarks of performance, evaluating work-in-progress and inferring results achieved and lastly, taking remedial actions when required.

Managing Communications,Knowledge and Information Assignment

Managing Communications,Knowledge and Information - Assignment Example The increasing importance of services and knowledge in the 21st century has successfully impressed China towards taking concrete steps and measures in the journey of becoming knowledge based society by itself. The information is identified as the basic and fundamental requirement for running any sort and type of business in any part of the globe. The investors on the other hand, are required to have timely and accurate information in order to make effective decisions. The investors in developing parts of the world do not have sufficient information and expertise that are required to take valuable decisions (Richard & Nory 2005). The lack of accurate information in addition with inability to follow economic rationality has repeatedly resulted in significant losses. The investors long for insightful analysis that can help them in making wise choices. The trend of online news agencies is very notably prevalent in developed and emerging parts of the world (Clemons, Gu, & Lang 2002). Thes e news agencies however, conceptualized to cover companies that are operating in advanced countries. The companies that are working in emerging economies are not being effectively covered by the financial news agencies. The increasing levels of Foreign Direct Investment in the featured economic sector of the globe, warrants the creation of permanent analytical facilities that can provide the investors with fresh insights on a daily basis. The target economies of Bangladesh and India will be kept under a bigger microscope as they are the leading and most probable candidate for transforming into leading nations in the future. The demise of America as a superpower in the near future will induce the development of smaller centers of political and fiscal strength throughout the world. The resource interdependencies are going to be more than stronger and because of this reason, national economic systems will become more conducive in the direction of developing and forging productive bilat eral trade agreements. In this way, it will not be a surprise to see South Asian economies emerging as the most profoundly developing sectors. The futuristic investment decisions will have widespread reparations for the entire economic system of the globe (Sachs, Warner, Aslund, & Fischer 1995). The proposed online news agency will keep a close eye on the developments occurring in all of the leading economies of the world. The economic experts from all over the world are invited to comment on the situation of stock markets. The main objective of starting a new business is to efficiently reduce the level of information asymmetry that is famous for prevailing between shareholders and corporate management teams. The developing economies’ citizens do not possess the enough level of comprehension needed to take delicate investment decisions. The important information about stock markets of emerging economies will be gathered through accessing sites such as Google Finance and Yahoo Finance. Based on the information provided by featured online sources, the financial experts are requested to guide investors’ decisions. The proposed online news agency will release list of the most attractive stocks on a daily basis. The financial decisions are supposed to be made after conduction detailed research. The investment decisions in South Asian countries are take in an impulsive fashion and therefore, they are notorious for yielding superficial financial gains.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Russian Marketplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Russian Marketplace - Essay Example The positive side to the bakery/coffee market is it is a growing market in Russia. For an American keen on establishing bakery/coffee outlet in Russia, the difficulties may not be more than what you may encounter in any other growing economy. The distribution system in Russia does not appear to be well-organized and there are queues to make most purchases. The trend is changing with budding entrepreneurs coming up with marketing skills that, given the political nod, could easily upset the lethargic traditional system (Smilor, Ray; 2002). There are encouraging signs for anyone in America considering an entry into the bakery/coffee market in Russia. There is enormous potential for growth in this market. The annual per capita consumption of coffee in Russia is 500 gm as compared to 12 kg in neighbouring Scandinavian countries (Nestl to start coffee processing in Russia, 2004). Statistics are not available for bakery items which comprise large range of products comprising cakes, bread, biscuits, and other savouries. However, there is the eagerness to taste new assortment of baked items. There are also trade fairs and exhibitions for bakery items. So it should not be difficult for American entrepreneurs to participate in these fairs and exhibitions and glean information for starting bakery outlets in cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg to begin with (Event Profile, 2010) This does not mean that starting a bakery in Russia is a cakewalk. There are going to be difficulties and obstacles in the form of competition as well as other unknown problems. The iron curtain may not exist any longer. However, Russia is still going through teething problems and the transition to a free market is experiencing a pull between traditional radicals and budding entrepreneurs (Smilor, Ray; 2002). You got to stick to the budding entrepreneurs. While on the subject of bakeries, it is pertinent to make mention of Fazer's successful operations in Russia. "Fazer is one of Russia's leading bakery companies. During the past three years, Fazer's bakery operations in Russia have grown at an average rate of ca 40 per cent annually, and today they constitute 14 per cent of the Group's turnover. Fazer has during the past ten years invested ca 130 M in its operations in Russia and the Group's four bakeries in Russia employ 3 500 people. Fazer is a leading contract catering company in the Nordic and the Baltic countries, offering customers delicious food and tailor-made service solutions. The company operates in the Nordic countries, Estonia, Latvia and Russia." (Fazer's

The Disparity In Sentencing In The Criminal Justice System Essay

The Disparity In Sentencing In The Criminal Justice System - Essay Example In the mid 1970’s a remarkable burst of reforms (Walker, p. 112) were introduced whose main concern was about disparity and discrimination in sentencing. The indeterminate sentence was the main focus of the reform efforts. The sentence in which the offender received a minimum or maximum sentence and the date of release was decided by the parole board is known as indeterminate sentence. Under such sentencing the judge was to decide about the punishment by not only looking at the crime but also looking at the circumstances and the potential for rehabilitation. On the basis of this judgment the parole board was to decide the date of release. Discretion was distributed amongst not only to the justice officials but also the parole board. The result of this process was: "A system of sentencing in which there was little understanding or predictability as to who would be imprisoned and for how long" (Bureau of Justice Assistance, p. 6). Both the liberal and the conservative boards cha llenged the reforms. The liberal presented an argument that the intensity on of the punishment should not rest with the criminal officers or the parole board because they may have racial issues. While the conservative board argued that the punishments given to criminals were too lenient. Their arguments bolstered by the findings of research demonstrating that most correctional programs designed to rehabilitate offenders and reduce recidivism were ineffective (Martinson).

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Direct Marketing Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Direct Marketing Plan - Assignment Example At the present, Fears and Robinson family get bigger and they have more than 200 stores countrywide by the end of 2005. F&R quality goods are distinctive and elite and they have an unparalleled status for value and service (Block, 1992). By this verity, the organization anticipates to magnetize public that value the artistic quality of transporting flowers, offerings and further materials. As F&R creations are generally flowers and fashion accessories, they deem themselves to be in the trade gift market, though a quantity of customers buy the product for themselves. F&R's mission is to develop into a renowned name of value flora, chocolates and gift items delivery service in the United Kingdom. Fears & Robinson intention is to increase customer positive reception of these products and to furnish regulars with attractive unique arty beautifications. When we look using the marketing terminology, ... Raise repeat customers by 7%. Build an effectual pull operation and bringing in new consumers that are supportive in generating more orders. Erect customer trustworthiness by granting incomparable delivery services and a client-centric strategy. Targeting When we look using the marketing terminology, the advantage of target marketing is simple-effectiveness. Firm target advertising is a technique to more efficiently arrive at clientele. Target marketing is a healthier utilization of company most precious possessions, i.e. time and wealth, to produce supplementary profits. The target market procedure lets us to chop down these factions of people so one can better recognize how to get to consumers. One approach to carry out this is to form a target market outline. Fears and Robinson is focusing on flowers and gift accomplices, targeting females with middle-end and upper-end revenue as the end users (Larkin, 1992). The side view of the F&R buyer contains in the following topographic, demographic, psychographic, and protocol factors: Topographies The abrupt geographic target is the municipality of London, with inhabitants of 7,465,100 A 60 mile geographic region is in need of F&R's stuffs and services The overall targeted area resident is projected at 485,000 Demographics Womanly Matrimonial Have kids, but not essentially at house Age limit is between 21 to 35 years, with an average age of 27 Learning expertise further than high school Earning a collective yearly family earnings of 50,000 or greater Condominium or home possessor Psychographics: The manifestation of her home is a main concern Entertaining and demonstrating her habitat is imperative She makes out herself as ingenious, elegant and talented, but seeks justification

The Disparity In Sentencing In The Criminal Justice System Essay

The Disparity In Sentencing In The Criminal Justice System - Essay Example In the mid 1970’s a remarkable burst of reforms (Walker, p. 112) were introduced whose main concern was about disparity and discrimination in sentencing. The indeterminate sentence was the main focus of the reform efforts. The sentence in which the offender received a minimum or maximum sentence and the date of release was decided by the parole board is known as indeterminate sentence. Under such sentencing the judge was to decide about the punishment by not only looking at the crime but also looking at the circumstances and the potential for rehabilitation. On the basis of this judgment the parole board was to decide the date of release. Discretion was distributed amongst not only to the justice officials but also the parole board. The result of this process was: "A system of sentencing in which there was little understanding or predictability as to who would be imprisoned and for how long" (Bureau of Justice Assistance, p. 6). Both the liberal and the conservative boards cha llenged the reforms. The liberal presented an argument that the intensity on of the punishment should not rest with the criminal officers or the parole board because they may have racial issues. While the conservative board argued that the punishments given to criminals were too lenient. Their arguments bolstered by the findings of research demonstrating that most correctional programs designed to rehabilitate offenders and reduce recidivism were ineffective (Martinson).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Encounter with God Essay Example for Free

Encounter with God Essay As I recall a moment in my life which I had experienced a liberating and transforming encounter with God, the first thing that came into my mind was my first confession to the priest back when I was in our first year recollection. I can still remember how nervous I am that time because I didn’t really know what to do inside the confession room. But then, before I entered the room, I gave myself a time to just relax and think conscientiously all the sins I have made against God, family, friends and my neighbors. That time, I felt so relieved of the fact that I have realized that I was once wrong. When it was my turn to go inside, the feeling of nervousness lowered down. It’s as if I have accepted and opened myself to what reality with God is – and that’s the act of confession. While confessing my sins to the priest, it seems like I am having my most honest conversation with Him. I can really tell that it was exactly the real me who’s talking to God. With that encounter, I was enlightened that God have transformed me to be the real me. I felt liberated from the barriers that tried to hide the essence of my existence. After that loving encounter with God, I have fully accepted what I really am – a thinking being capable of caring and hurting, but had always acknowledged change. I promised to Him not to do the same mistake twice – and be open to whatever life brings. That was the time when my view of life became clearer, that in however way God shows life to me, it’s always for my own good and for a significant reason and purpose. I can’t say now if I have really fulfilled my promises to Him, but one thing is for sure that I have always been carrying out all His goodness to me.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Effects of Parental Divorce on Childrens Growth

Effects  of  Parental  Divorce  on  Childrens  Growth Divorce has become an important social issue which can not be ignored and avoided. In mid-19th century, only 5% of the marriages were broken in the United States, and now almost 50% of first marriages were ended in divorce, there were 100 million children who experienced parental divorce in the United States, in England and Wales, more than 140,007 children were facing parental separation every year. The children of this kind have become an important part of the vulnerable group in modern society, which also attracts the attention of many scholars. A large number of social evidence shows that the psychological trauma which the breakdown of a family brings children is obvious and will exist for a long term. Relevant scholars sociological research also showed that divorce had a negative impact on the cognitive development, personality development, mental health, relationships, social behavior development and other aspects of Childrens. To explore the influence of parental divorce on ch ildrens growth trajectory, this essay reviewed relevant literatures and conducted a critical analysis towards the literatures. Chapter II Discussion Through reviewing relevant academic literatures on divorce, research on the influence of divorce on childrens development included the following contents. 2.1 Cognitive levels and academic performance Research (Amans et al, 2001) showed that there was a very significant difference in areas of cognition, reasoning and academic achievement between children in divorced families and complete families, the impact of divorce on childrens learning performance was the most, the impact on cognition was less than the impact on academic achievement, the impact on the non-text logical reasoning was minimal. There was no significant difference in the cognitive aspects between the children of different genders in divorced families, and the girls academic performance was significantly better than the boys. Levels of cognitive development and academic performance of seven, eight or nine year old childrens from divorced families were significantly lower than the childrens from complete families. Amato (2001) made use of Meta analysis in his study. Meta analysis refers to using a number of statistical methods to analyze the collected research data. Its advantage is to increase the reliability of co nclusions through increasing sample sizes, so as to address the inconsistency of findings. The conclusion of Amans research (Amans et al, 2001) was also based on Meta analysis, he used appropriate statistical to conduct systematic, objective and comprehensive quantitative analysis towards lots of relevant research results in 1990s and found that the scores of learning of childrens in divorced families were significantly lower than the childrens from complete families, he pointed out that this gap was increased slightly when compared with the situation in 1980. 2.2 Emotional development and personality development Amatos (2001) study showed that children from single parent families were less able to control themselves and their assessment for themselves was too high. There were a higher proportion of children who were abnormal in their mood, emotion and personality, their specific performance included preferring crying, depression, irritability, anger, fear, etc., their bad character included low self-esteem, unsociability, poor self-control ability, frailty, lying, cheating, apathy, anxiety, etc., but majority of them had a strong independence. Children whose parents were separated had significantly polarized introversive or exoscopic characters, and most of them had singly introversive or exoscopic personalities, and majority children who were from complete families had the intermediate personalities. The research method which Amato (2001) adopted was Meta analysis, by comparing conclusions of a large number of research he found that, in fact, there was difference between children who grew u p in complete families and children who grew up in single parent families, but the difference was not as big as what usually imagined. His (Amato, 2001)research showed that parental divorce was only one factor in the process of a childs growth, there were other factors that could influence a childs growth, but his research did not specify what these other factors were. 2.3 Mental health Relevant research (Aaron et al, 1999) has indicated that there was significant difference in the general levels of mental health between children from divorced families and children from complete families, children with single parent had more psychological problems, including tendency of a serious loneliness, unwilling contacting with people, tendency of self-accusation and giving low evaluations for individual abilities and qualities, strong feelings of inferiority, obvious anxiety, lacks of confidence in interpersonal relationships, lacks of security, tendency of serious impulsions, etc., many children often felt depressed, irritable and had extreme behavior, their physical symptoms which caused by psychological problems were more obvious. Relevant research (Aaron et al, 1999) also explained this phenomenon, because the childrens parents divorced, they lacked parental encouragement, in the face of setbacks, they couldnt get strong incentives, resulting in a lack of confidence. And because of parental divorce, it caused the reduction of parents concerning about the children, lack of communication with their children and failing to detect changes in the children life and thought would lead to the childrens failing to deal with the problems in a timely manner, thereby resulting in depression, irritability and other emotions. 2.4 Interpersonal relationship The research on the interpersonal relationship of childrens from divorced families was mainly carried out in the areas of peer relationship, parent-child relationship and control ability. Study has shown that judging from the perspectives of peer relationship, subjective and objective control abilities, children with single parent was not as good as the childrens from complete families. In terms of parent-child relationship, children with single parent were not satisfied with their parents and families, their relationship with their parents wasnt as good as the childrens from complete families. Even when they grew up, they still showed their distrust towards their parents, as Jacquet and Surra (2001) found in their study that even taking full consideration of the quality of parent-child relationship, the adult children still had a strong sense of distrust. Moreover, parents divorce also had a profound effect on the childrens establishing a close relationship with their lovers when th ey grew up. Jacquet and Surra (2001) took young couples of 19- 35 years old as research objects and investigated the determinacy of the relationship between them and their cognition and understanding towards the problems between them, they found that women from divorced families had a sense of lack of trust and satisfaction, showing ambivalent feelings and conflicts. Although there was no difference between the men from divorced families and the men from complete families (Emery, 1999), but because of the marital status of their own parents, the former thought that the relationship between couples was temporary. Thus, parental separation not only affects childrens close relationship with their parents, but also has a negative impact on the childrens creating their own intimate relationships when they grow up, the impact of parental separation on childrens understanding of interpersonal relationship is negative and permanent, making the children show great adaptability in dealing wit h interpersonal relationship. 2.5 Behavior problems Study (Jeynes, 2001) showed that the problem behavior of childrens from divorced families was more than childrens from complete families, the behavior included lying, cheating, bragging and boast, poor school performance and fearing of school, etc. There was a very close relationship between childrens Internet addiction and their divorced families. Jeynes (2001) investigated the childrens alcohol problems after their parents divorced and found that compared with the children whose parents have divorced for more than 4 years, the children whose parents divorced newly had the same frequency of drinking, the number of the children who indulged in drinking was increased, and they were more likely to be affected by alcohol, the frequency and quantity of the two groups of the children who addicted drinking were more than the children from complete families (Jeynes, 2001), the children who didnt have complete families were more likely to drink and affected by alcohol. The greatest significa nce of Jeynes research (2001) did not lie in confirming that children of divorced families were more likely to drink than children of complete families, but proving that both children whose parents divorced four years ago and the children whose parents divorced newly had the same frequency of drinking, thereby refuting some people opinion of thinking that divorce only had an impact on children at the time when their parents divorced, it further confirmed that the influence of parental divorce on children would be lasted for a long time. Chapter III Conclusion Through literature review, this essay summarized the impact of divorce on childrens development and tried to find out the problems existing in relevant study and explore the directions of future research.  ·The above-mentioned research on children of single parent families particularly concerned about adolescents, especially callan, there was less study on young children. Therefore, it should seek for evaluation means which is suitable for the characteristics of infants and preschool children, paying more attention to their psychological development and adaptation.  ·The previous research on children who were from divorced families generally compared the behavior problems between children from divorced families and complete families, or by statistical methods to control other household variables to examine the direct impact of parental separation on childrens behavior problems. The study has provided a wealth of useful information, but often overlooked the impact of other family variables in the divorce process on children. Thus future research should not only concern about the impact of divorce itself on children, but also pay attention to the role of other variables relate to divorce, such as the quality of parent-child relationship, the marriage conflicts before divorce and during parental separation, the living conditions of children after their parents divorce, etc. It should pay a special attention to the changes of the internal mechanism which affects the childrens adaptability.  ·Research on Children from divorced families was mostly transverse study, few was longitudinal study. Childrens development is a process, only depending on the existing transverse study is difficult to explore the impact of parents separation on childrens development of different stages and its change process. Therefore, the relationship between parents divorce and childrens development needs to be analyzed with a clear and tracked investigation which is the problem needs to be resolved in future study.